For my latest cake, I wanted to try a recipe for fondant. Let's just say that I flowed through my four-letter vocabulary quite frequently yesterday. I measured to the tee, because I knew that this would be a tricky recipe. It looked great in my mixing bowl and I was so excited when I started kneading the fondant. My hope was high, and then it plummeted into the depths of darkness that is fondant hell. Instead of beautiful, smooth and workable fondant, I ended up with a sticky, shiny mountain of goop that looks like the skin of an elephant when rolled out. So frustrating. I am not quitting! I will try a new recipe until I get it right, but for this cake I resorted to store bought fondant. The only fondant that is not store bought is the flesh colored fondant on the baby butt and the feet.
This was my first "hired" cake. So fun! I can't take 100% credit for the idea. I have seen several baby butt cakes, so I used the concept and made it my own. I think it's my favorite cake so far!
While looking through my pictures, I found one of my first non-specialty cakes. Banana Lemon Raspberry Cake. Also delicious.